Thursday, October 30, 2008

Throw the bums out

The Democrats ran in 2006 on a platform to stop the war in Iraq. Since they acquired the majority in Congress, they have taken impeachment off the table and have voted to fully fund the war in Iraq.
Is it possible that the Democratic strategy was to let the Bush regime continue to hang itself so they could win a filibuster proof majority in Congress and win the Presidency?
It has been said that Nixon decided to keep troops in Vietnam because it would help in his re-election bid in 1972. Did the Democrats use the same strategy? It seems they kept funding the war because of Bush's rhetoric about not supporting the troops. This would have been a banner tactic in the current election to say the Democrats didn't support our troops because they cut funding.
If Pelosi, Reid, et al decided to keep funding the war for political purposes they are just as guilty as the rogue administration that sold us this tragedy. Is gaining political advantage a higher priority than stopping the deaths and maiming of innocent Iraqis and U.S. forces?
The Democratic majority in Congress should be ashamed of failing to do their Constitutional duty to impeach this President who violated the Constitution and the rule of international law. The Democratic majority in Congress should be ashamed of continuing to fund this illegal, immoral war.

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