Thursday, September 12, 2013

Selective Horror

The media has begun to show us the atrocities of the Syrian civil war in the drumbeat to war. Where were these pictures and numbers in the attack of Iraq when we were the bombers and killers? The numbers in Syria: over 100,00 dead and  2 million refugees. Did you ever see any numbers about Iraq? If you asked 100 people in the U.S. -  how many people were forced into refugee camps, how many daughters were forced into prostitution to support their families, how many were killed or wounded - none of them would have a clue. It seems it's only a war crime when you lose the war or is committed by someone else.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


On this day I am ashamed to be an American.
A president who committed torture and war crimes, who caused the deaths of thousands of innocent people, who caused the injuries and homelessness of millions is being honored with a presidential library. He should be honored with a war crimes trial. With one in four children living in poverty, the wealthy have money for a library for a criminal.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Let 'Em Eat Cake

The Congress is getting ready to tie cost of living Social Security adjustments to the chained CPI. It basically says that if a substitute food is available that is cheaper, then the adjustment will go down. So, if vegetables are expensive, then elderly poor can just replace it with cake. This is unconscionable to do to the elderly poor. The wealthy haven't learned the lessons of the French Revolution. A small group of people in this country are living fabulously wealthy lifestyles while more and more people are being driven into poverty. How much greed is enough?