Friday, February 06, 2009

More children for a mother who already has 6 hurts us all

The recent birth of octuplets to a mother who already had six kids brings to the fore the irresponsible behavior and selfishness of some parents. Every day on planet earth, an estimated 40,000 children die of starvation. Many experts believe that our planet is past the point of sustainability for the population that now exists. Many of the planet's maladies - global warming, starvation, crime, pollution, etc. - can be linked directly to over population. But, you say, there is plenty in America. What cost does the planet pay by a society that has 5 per cent of the population and consumes 30 percent of the planet's resources? A child born in America puts a larger strain on the planet's resources than one in underdeveloped countries.
In a perfect world, anyone should be free to do anything. But, when the freedom of one affects the freedom of another, we have to compromise. Should a society deny an unsafe person a driver's license? Should a free society deny a person the ability to burn leaves in his yard? Or build anything he wants on his property? The answer we have come to is yes, the society can deny these freedoms for the good of all. In the same way, we must recognize the need to curb population growth for the good of all.
The process must start with the education of children and the open access to family planning and contraception.