Saturday, March 27, 2010

Man Up and Pray

Your home's in foreclosure,
Your son's in Iraq,
You've got no insurance
for your gout attack.
Your job's gone to China,
Your wife's run away,
So why don't you man up and pray?

Man up and pray
Man up and pray
Jesus is gonna be comin' today.
He'll pay all your bills
and make war go away.
So why don't you man up and pray?

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Throw the Bum Out

Senator Jim Bunning, a wonderful baseball player, has aspired to a place far below any steroid or black Sox player could even imagine. Cutting off health care for the unemployed is immoral. I wonder who bought off or is blackmailing Jim to make him so cold hearted. If you keep the steroid users and gamblers out of the Hall, maybe you should consider kicking out the heartless.