Wednesday, October 08, 2008

AIG scoundrels

Where is the anger over AIG executives?
Taxpayers bailout a mismanaged company with their hard earned dollars and what do these scoundrels do? They go on a $440,000 resort junket. The majority of this company is owned by the U.S. taxpayer due to the 85 billion dollar bailout. As a part owner of AIG, I want those executives who got rich due to their economic scams to get $6.55 an hour until they pay back the funds to the Fed. I want them to share in the lifestyle of the people who were scammed into buying mortgages that they could never hope to payback. I want them to live the lives of the people whose pension funds have been destroyed by these fraudulent financial practices. These people trying to make ends meet on $6.55 an hour are the ones who will be hurt the most as their jobs disappear and the value of their earnings shrinks.
Who does our government bailout? The rich. So they can continue to have their $1000 dollar hotel rooms and their manicures and pedicures. Try paying for rent, food, health insurance, education, gasoline, and utilities on $6.55 an hour. Our government should have solved this by helping the poor to refinance. Bottom-up instead of rich-trickle-down.
I cannot understand why the electorate does not stage a tax revolt.
Some fat cat from Wall St. playing Secretary of the Treasury comes to the Hill with a 3 page request for 700 billion dollars with no oversight? Paulson walked away from his doomed company with 500 million. Why shouldn't his fortune go to the bailout? He made his golden parachute from dirty paper and he should be held accountable. Instead, the government gives him a blank check for 700 billion.
This is a government whose President vetoed a bill for an increase of 7 billion a year in health care for poor children while we spend 3 trillion on a war against a country that was of no threat and a who knows how many trillion to come bailout of the rich on Wall Street.
Why isn't there a taxpayer revolt on Washington?
Where is the outrage?

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