Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Lesser of Two Evils

So it’s election time again and you are going to vote for the lesser of two evils. You are going to vote for a Democrat because you figure anything is better than what we have been through for the last 8 years under a Republican administration. The Democrats will be better – won’t they?
Didn’t the Democrats just win control of Congress by running on a platform of stopping the Iraq war? Funny, the Iraq war has been fully funded. They could have cut off funding and stopped the madness, but they didn’t.
Didn’t the Democrats say they would stop this administration’s lawless violations of human rights? Strange, the Democrats just agreed to give Bush and the telecoms immunity from their illegal activities.
Didn’t the Democrats say they would hold this administration accountable? Odd, administration officials have thumbed their nose at Congress and invoked executive privilege.
Guantanamo? Still open. Torture? Still happening. Tax cuts for the wealthy? Still there. Electronic voting machines with no paper trail? Still around. Outing a CIA agent? Nobody is held accountable. Using the Justice Department for political advantage? Have at it. Katrina? Good job Brownie. Bin Laden? Still free. Huge budget deficit? Who cares.
Executive signing statements changing laws? Okay.
The list goes on and on.
The Democrats gain control of Congress with the most lawless, rogue President in history and what do they do? They take impeachment off the table.
The point is that if you are thinking that a Democratic President is going to really change things in Washington, you haven’t been paying attention. Your choices are Republican or Republican Lite. Both parties are the step-children of corporate power. They tell you what you want to hear to get elected – the old bait and switch.
Listening to the rhetoric of Barack Obama makes one hopeful for the future. But, we have seen that he is just another politician who is willing to trade ethics for power. I was so hopeful when he was elected and what does he do? He starts out by voting to confirm Condoleezza Rice for Secretary of State. After all the lies she told to get us into this illegal, immoral war and he votes to give her a promotion? His recent cave in on telecom immunity also shows his true colors.
Obama has run on a platform of unifying this country and being able to bring people together. I do not want to be brought together with the forces of lawlessness and greed. I want a Presidential candidate who will fight for what is right - not to kowtow to corporate power and greed.
I am supporting Ralph Nader for President.
But, you say a vote for Nader will help McCain become President.
The real question is will a vote for Obama really change anything.

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