Thursday, September 13, 2007

Are We Any Safer?

Sen. John Warner (R) asked Gen. David Patraeus whether or not fighting the war in Iraq was making America safer. Gen. Patraeus said that he had not thought about it and that he was just concentrating on the task at hand. So, the General running the war in Iraq doesn't even know if it is making us safer? Thousands of people have scarificed their lives and you have to think about whether or not this is making us safer? Are you joking me? You mean there is a possibility that this boondoggle is putting us in more danger?
The truth is that the war in Iraq is making us less safe. Iraq has become a recruiting ground for Al-Qaeda and made it much easier for Al-Qaeda to kill Americans. Why go 6,000 miles when the enemy comes right to your front door. Every year of the Bush presidency worldwide terrorism has increased. The military is stretched to the limit and might not be able to respond adequately to other threats in the world.
Dear General Petraeus, please take a moment and think about the big picture of what you are doing and stop being a "yes man".

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