Ex-president George W. Bush enjoyed touting how we were a democracy dedicated to transparency in governing and that made us superior to despotic governments on the planet. The refusal of Karl Rove to testify in front of the House Judiciary Committee makes that statement a bold face lie.
Sure, there is precedent that the President has the right to receive private advice from his advisers. But, the investigation has nothing to do with advice to the President. It has to do with the Justice Department using it's power to punish political foes.
Rove has the right to not answer questions that involve advice to the President or questions that would incriminate himself. He does not have the right to deny the subpoena of the Congress and answer questions that do not fit into these categories.
If we do not pursue these charges, we set a dangerous precedent. The Congress has the Constitutional authority to conduct oversight. If they are denied this right, any Executive branch official can refuse to testify on grounds of executive privilege FOREVER.