The Bush administration is now supporting the Sunnis who are fighting against Al-Qaeda. In a conflict where you can't tell who is who, they are supplying them with support and weapons. How do we know for sure that the Sunnis we are supplying arms to aren't Al-Qaeda themselves?
Let me see if I have this straight.
We supported Sadaam Hussein with money and weapons when he was at war with Iran. Then, we decided Sadaam was an imminent threat (which he was not) and attacked Iraq, deposing him. We disbanded the entire police force and army which was made up of Sunni (Baathist party) Sadaam loyalists. The Sunni resistance (insurgents?) have been primarily responsible for the attacks on the American occupying force. The US military has been training an Iraqi security force that contains members of militias of both Sunni and Shia origin. How can we be sure that the arms and training we are supplying won't be used against our troops?
It's bad enough that the Sunnis are being supported by the Saudis who use profits from the oil we buy from them.
How can we continue to send bodies of young men and women into a contradictory mess that our leaders are guessing at different strategies that so far have had dire consequences? How can we stop this madness? When will the Congress wake up and impeach this administration to stop this insane nightmare?