After the Democrats took control of Congress, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that impeachment was "off the table" and a "waste of time".
Well, Nancy, how does it look now? The Iraq war is fully funded without withdrawal. Guantanamo is still open. Secret prisons are still open. Extraordinary rendition (kidnapping) is still happening. Torture is still happening. American soldiers continue to be maimed and killed. Millions of Iraq refugees are homeless and starving. America is hated across the world. World wide acts of terrorism have grown every year of the Bush administration. The US armed forces are devastated. Wounded soldiers are not cared for. The budget and trade deficits are growing. The Neocons are using our justice system to attack Democrats. Americans are being illegally wiretapped. Our Constitutional system of checks and balances has been trashed. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis have been killed, maimed, and have become homeless refugees.
The only reason that impeachment at this point would be a waste of time, Nancy, is if you are more concerned about your political career than what is humane.
Impeachment is part of our Constitution. If this is not the reason to use it then what is? If this is not the time to use it then when?