Showing the veterans how poorly they will be treated after sacrificing their bodies for the rich man's oil is a real downer for troop morale. Does "be all you can be" mean hailing a taxi with a hole in your skull to get to a mold and rodent infested building 18?
Why can't the corporate run media keep a lid on the fact that the money for Iraq is really going to corporate fat-cats and not to the poor who have risked their lives?
If you were in Iraq in the middle of a civil war where most of the population agrees that it is okay to kill Americans, wouldn't you be a little upset to know that if you get wounded, you are on your own?
Remember, not keeping up troop morale helps Al-Qaeda. Telling the truth helps Al-Qaeda. So, let's keep everything under wraps as usual and let the troops have their false reality: that Uncle Sam will take care of them.
By the time they find out the truth, the corporate sharks won't need them anymore.